Death by Orgasm aaahhhh!!!

21 Oct

You really can't beat a coffin as a sex toy storage device 😉

Hehehe, I hate bugs.  However, this thing is just cool. If for no other reason than novelty, the Death By Orgasm; Scorpion is a must have sex toy. Available from the awesomsauce filled place that is Good Vibrations this little ditty is a black, 10-speed bullet vibrator with a rubber scorpion shaped cover.  The coffin (how cool is it to say that???) is 5 1/2″ long and about 1 1/4″ deep.

The bullet is your standard bullet vibrator, though it’s black (rock on!), has a soft velvety finish on it and has 10 speeds O_O wowsa!  it’s almost too much actually.  You gotta just keep pushing the button to cycle through the speeds, which admittedly is annoying.

But bullet goes in it's butt! Teehee

The scorpion is rubber, so it attracts anything that could possibly stick to it.  If there’s lint within a 5 block radius, this scorpion will attract it.  The body of the scorpion is 3″ long, the tail adds another 3″.  There’s a hole in it’s bum that you can open and put the vibrator into it.  As it vibrates, it shakes the appendages of the scorpion and you can feel that against your labia.  It’s an odd combination of cool tickly feeling and creepy LOL

Since it’s rubber you can use water based or silicone lubrication.  The bullet has a good o-ring on it and it screws on nice and tight so I consider it splash proof.  Take it in the shower if you want!  But, do not submerge it.  The bullet is plastic, so that’s safe for any lube as well.  Just make sure it’s clean before you use it, ‘cuz that rubber really does attract any lint, thread or fur around.

Scorpion and bullet

Performance wise there’s really nothing all that excellent or great about this toy, with the exception of the above mentioned tickling sensation by the appendages.  The bullet vibe is perhaps the part that really stands out with it’s 10 functions. It’s got vibrations, escalations and pulsations. However it does not have the “hold for 3 seconds to turn off” function so you need to cycle it.  Since it’s a standard bullet size you could substitute this bullet in another toy that takes a bullet for added use and variation.  It takes standard watch batteries that come with it.

In my opinion, the best part of this sex toy is it’s novelty and the neat storage case.  4 out of 5 for novelty!!  Thanks for letting me try this unique toy out Good Vibrations !!


Posted by on October 21, 2010 in Toy Review


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